Home Save Money Summer Savings Tips that Won’t Leave You Sweating About Your Expenses

Summer Savings Tips that Won’t Leave You Sweating About Your Expenses


Summer can be one of the greatest times of the year. Nice, warm weather allows people to spend their time outside, and many people plan trips and fun outings with friends and families. But with all of the fun and family bonding also comes some summer-time realities, such as higher bills, vacations costs and the cost of childcare as kids are out of school. With some careful planning, you can save on costs this summer and still leave yourself enough funds to fully enjoy this season.

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Insulate, Seal and Ventilate the Attic

The summer brings hot temperature, especially in many parts of the country, as Arizona and Florida. This is when we rely on AC to cool down the house. However, turning on the air conditioning unit for the entire day can cause the electricity bill to skyrocket.

Few people realize the need to have an energy-efficient attic. If the attic gets really hot during the summer, the heat will spread to the lower levels of the home. Air-sealing and insulating the attic will create a temperature barrier between the roof and the home’s interior. The cool air will be kept inside the building and dust and pollutants will be kept outside, contributing to a better air quality. This will substantially lower your utility bills, helping you save that money for other summer expenses.

Install Solar Panels

One of the best ways to reduce the total power bill during the summer and all year long is harnessing the power of the sun. Solar panels have become more efficient in recent years. If you have a flat roof or a south-facing sloped roof, installing panels can be very advantageous.  This is a long-term investment with real benefits over time.

Eating In

Eating out at restaurants can add up to thousands of dollars per year. Although you want to have some fun and see your friends, going out to eat is not your only option!

So, why not try something new this summer? You can start a dinner club with your friends and save a lot of money by taking turns hosting dinners. Or, organize potlucks and take turns hosting them at each other’s houses.

What’s even better is that during the summer months you can BBQ outside, reducing the heat inside the house and the dependency on AC. Plus, you won’t be using appliances that consume power!

Cancel Cable

Summer offers a lot of opportunities to go outside, enjoy nature and take trips. If you are not going to be spending a lot of time inside, why pay for services you won’t use? Canceling your cable subscription for 2-3 months can be a smart and economic move during the summer.

However, if you still want to enjoy your favorite TV shows, you can stream instead. Here are some of the best streaming services:

Hulu with Live TV–$39.99 per month for 60+ channels; start with a free 7-day trial

Philo–$16 per month for 37 channels, start with a free 7-day trial

Sling TV–$25 per month for 25 channels, start with a free 7-day trial

Skip the Hotels When Traveling

Summer is the perfect time to travel across the country or abroad. Instead of staying in a hotel, rent a room, apartment or a house instead.

Airbnb lets you find housing options offered by local in practically any part of the world. This typically allows you the use of multiple rooms and a kitchen, which will go a long way in dining out savings.

Alternatively, you can check out Housesitter.com and look for people going out of town that need someone to watch their belongings. This will allow you to travel to other places and skip the cost of lodgings altogether, plus make some extra money on the side.

Find Tourist Discounts

Many travel agencies and travel sites, such as Expedia and Hotels.com offer bundle deals for airfare, hotel and car rental. This can save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars than booking separately.

Another great discount is currently offered in 13 major North American cities through CityPass. CityPass bundles the major tourist attractions into one package at a deeply discounted price.

For example, the Southern California CityPass has Disneyland and LEGOLAND bundled with other popular attractions. The New York City package includes the Empire State Building, American Museum of Natural History and many other interesting landmarks.

Shop for airfare in a smarter way with Cheapair.com; you can look for days when the fares are cheaper, plus the site will give you money back if the price drops after your purchase.

Enjoy Your Summer

Smart savings on bills, great deals on travel and good times with family friends can all be yours this summer.  Plan ahead to get the best deals and be prepared for the heat. By taking advantage of the summer saving tips above you can truly get the most out of your summer without breaking the bank.

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