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Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence; and How You Can, Too Book Review & Audio Guide


Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence; and How You Can, Too Book Review & Audio Guide

While we often pick books by the topic or by the title, it is imperative to look into who the author is. Especially for books that give entrepreneurial advice, take the time to check whether the author is a true successful entrepreneur themselves; otherwise, it may just be someone that is collecting advice from other sources and passing it on to their readers.

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With this book, you can be sure that you’re getting advice from a true business expert. Gary Vaynerchuk, or as he is better known to his followers, Gary Vee, is a businessman, speaker, author and internet authority figure. Gary was one of YouTube’s first pioneers back in 2006, where he was able to brand himself and create his empire. He started by marketing his family’s wine business, which was able to grow from $3 million to $60 million in only five years.

Gary did not stop there, and used his fame to create Vayner Media, which focused on digital marketing and social media. Gary is also an investor and a venture capitalist, with interests in huge companies like Uber, Twitter and Facebook. His company is now valued at over $100 million.

Now that you know that you can truly trust what this author preaches, and on top of the fact that he is a four-time New York Times bestselling author, let’s get into the summary of this book. This is an updated version of his original book, Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion, from 2009.

In this edition, the author provides tips from the lives and real experiences of other entrepreneurs who took a unique path in achieving their success,  As well as people who have reached their goals by following the principles of his previous book.

Gary built on the main message of his last book, which is the importance of a personal brand, and gives modern-day examples of why this is imperative to success.

The author believes that social media is the key to personal branding, and he covers every important social media platform to explain how each one can be used for this goal.

The book covers 7 different foundations that are required to build a personal brand. They include:

  1. Intent: Many business owners attempt to connect with followers on social media, but their efforts are not successful because they’re simply out there to make a sale. Audiences are smart, and they know the intent of the business owner and their communication strategies. If you truly are set out to bring value to your followers, rather than just for marketing or sales efforts, you will be able to attain a large audience,.
  2. Authenticity: In this day and age, transparency is everything, and lying to your audience or making yourself out to be something you’re not can quickly backfire. Be honest about yourself, your history and your experiences when communicating with online audiences.
  3. Passion: When trying to pick a niche for your business, concentrate on something that you are truly interested in and passionate about. Your enthusiasm for your products and services will translate into more sales eventually, but start out by sharing something you truly love with others.
  4. Patience: Don’t expect to become an overnight success, but instead give yourself the time required to truly build a personal brand.
  5. Speed: Things and events in today’s modern world move at the speed of light, and a true entrepreneur must be able to make quick decisions and implement strategies without spending too much time doubting oneself.
  6. Work: You have to understand how much work it really takes to build a strong personal brand that is recognized around the world. If you do not have the time to dedicate to this, this may not be the right goal to set out for yourself.
  7. Attention: Things change at the blink of an eye, and it’s vital to follow your competition and industry to see what is changing and quickly adapt your business practices to that.

While there are a lot of self-help books on how to make it in the business world, this book takes an innovative approach and gives you true and tried examples of how to become successful by building a brand instead of just a company.

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