Home Car Insurance How to Negotiate Your Car Insurance Down

How to Negotiate Your Car Insurance Down


Car insurance is a big expense, and many Americans spend thousands of dollars per year on it. For some, it is so expensive that they are not able to drive altogether, instead opting for public transportation or relying on others to drive them around.

If you feel like your car insurance policy is too expensive, or if you just want to save some extra cash, you should know that there are surefire ways to negotiate your car insurance down. All you need is a bit of time and a positive attitude, and you could find yourself saving money on your auto insurance in no time.

Tips to Negotiate Your Auto Insurance

Compare Auto Insurance Quotes

Although you may be a loyal customer, your car insurance company may not be as loyal to you. Once you are set on a certain auto insurance payment, companies rarely lower it. However, should you get in to a car accident or get a speeding ticket, you can be sure that they will raise your insurance payment right up.

The best way to lower your auto payment is to regularly compare auto quotes from different companies.

Sites like Save Money Tricks allow you to enter your information once, and get quotes from various auto insurance companies. This will save you time in contacting each one separately, and hopefully save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

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Review what your deductible is, and find out how much your company will lower your payments by if you increase it. Just remember that you must have this sum available in case of an emergency. If you increase your insurance from $500 to $1,500—you must be ready to pay that money should something occur.

Bundle Your Home & Car Insurance Coverage

Many auto insurance companies also offer home or renters insurance. The good news is that, more often than not, if you have both policies with the same provider, you can save on both! Just make sure to find a reputable company with excellent reviews in both categories before you make the switch!

Don’t Pay for Extra Coverage

Individuals who lease their car are often mandated by the bank as to what type of coverage they need to purchase. However, if your car is paid off and old, consider whether you truly need full coverage for it.

If you car is only worth $5,000 or less, there is a chance it will be deemed salvage and not worthy of fixing should an accident occur.

If you reduce or eliminate your comprehensive auto coverage, you could save a lot on your monthly payments.

Every auto insurance policy is different, so it’s worth it to find the best one for you. Start your search today by visiting: https://savemoneytricks.com/car-insurance/